Thursday, December 31, 2009

Don't Sweat the Small Stuff!

Those who are able to recognize the events that trigger their stresses will have an easier time moving past and forward, not allowing the stress to bring them down. Ultimately, one must choose to either expend the energy required to become stressed out or decide not to sweat the small stuff and use that energy instead to move on. A person's stress tolerance level also changes over time based on many factors such as negative childhood experiences, personalities and immunity (some people are just more prone), genetics, lifestyle and the duration and intensity of their stressors.

How do you say 'Stress!?"

External Stressors - stressful home and working conditions, abusive relationships, bullying, extreme temperatures (hot, cold), other people and their habits.

Internal Stressors - physical ailments such as infection, inflammation, psychological problems, worrying, our own thoughts and inner conflicts.

Do you want to blow a nut when you see this?

Many internal and external stressors, large and small, remain out of our control. So, regardless of what type of treatment is sought, if any at all, we still must learn to deal with stress.

Short-term 'acute' stress is the reaction to an immediate threat, also known as the fight or flight response. When the threat subsides the body returns to normal.

Long-term 'chronic' stress is ongoing and continuous, when the urge to fight or flight has been suppressed and becomes internalized. Will affect general health and well being, if not dealt with.

Are you experiencing signs of stress? Do you have difficulty sleeping, loss of appetite, poor concentration, poor memory retention, work performance slipping, uncharacteristic errors, missed deadlines, anger, tantrums, violent behaviour, anti-social behaviour, emotional outbursts, alcohol or drug abuse, increased nervous habits, is your nickname Squidward?

Feeling Stressed Out!

Remove yourself from the stressor (he, she, it) and develop new habits that will distract you then....

- Laugh and laugh some more.
- Do, watch, read, or say something to crack yourself up. Self Soothe yourself by talking outloud (not in public though, whacko)
- Crank up the Tunes and let out your inner Rockstar or get sappy and cry to all the slow crap. Either way, you are releasing your emotions rather than letting them fester into a boil!
- Get off that couch thats under your arse!
- Write in your journal.
- Treat yourself to a massage.
- Get involved in focus based tasks you enjoy. Not time for knitting a tea cosy more like a slammin' crochet bikini!
- Have a power nap or get some real beauty sleep (I've seen you and believe me, you need it!)

When an 'issue' arises and before you react ask yourself... Will this matter 5 minutes from now? 5 hours from now ? 5 days from now? and react accordingly or not at all, see your learning!

Need to learn more about how to Manage your Stress visit WebMD and/or speak with your Doctor.

Monday, December 21, 2009

All in Moderation...Portion Control

...all in moderation is a term I grew up with and seemed to always pertain to things that bring pleasure and joy, such as sugary treats!! All of which my parents regulated closely. My intake of goodies and all the sweet stuff that made being a kid so great touched my lips on special occasions only, or so they thought. Geez, a large chocolate bar could last for weeks in my Dad's glove compartment (his personal stash) and that was utter torture for me, one had to get creative.

My parents only meant well and had my own best interests at heart, I knew that and am thankful. However, that didn't stop me from being a sneaky brat and snitching my own rasher of goodies. With a hidden spoon I could mow down on ice cream & dry chocolate cake mix on the sly. Or I'd crack open the pop (which was for company only) and have equal drinks from each and replace the lid, sneak extra vitamin C's. Whatever it took. Yes, I knew this was wrong but I was willing to risk it. Oddly enough though, when given the chance, not ever did binge eating or pigging out cross my mind. I only ever just wanted the choice to have a treat or not have a treat and savoured every tasty morsel as though it were my last.

This habit has since transpired into my adult life. But now my sweets include alchohol and nothing is stashed away! Sadly, alchohol is not in the food guide nor in the food pyramid diagram for portion control. Meaning, none is best.

Living an 'all in moderation' lifestyle helps to keep me pretty fit and healthy as well, I'm content with my choices and don't feel as though I'm being deprived. I do not deny my body anything it craves (within reason, of course). If I want chocolate I have chocolate. If I want a drink, I have a drink. If I want extra, extra cheese on my pizza I'm gettin' it! The catch is I don't have to eat 5 chocolate bars, I'm happy with a square or two. I don't have to get hammered the glow from a social drink or two is great. And, I don't need to eat 6 slices of that delicious, cheesy pizza just a slice or two.

This is a learned trait not a chosen one and was developed over time. For yourself will power, self control and the realization that you can have your cake and eat it too may be just the inspiration you need.

Measuring an exact, proper 'portion' can be tricky so I like to keep it simple. Open your hand and focus on just the palm, that is approximately a portion. If you heap your food into piles so it drips off the sides and there's no gaps on your plate, you've got way too much! You need to utilize your self control knowing scales and measuring cups are now where to be found.

Think smart. If you keep justifying the need to stuff your face, then portion control and living an all in moderation lifestyle will take that much more practise. Take the following video and view as an example of how NOT to moderate...

Thursday, December 10, 2009

To Clarify, I'm not a Doctor!...

...these are just things I do to help keep me looking and feeling younger, so far so good but time will tell all. There is also a tonne of room for improvement on my behalf, so please don't think what I have to say is the anwser to your prayers. Its just been my answer.

Today my little tidbit is to remember to smile and remind you to as well! I see alot of people walking around looking as though they could go postal or blow a nut at any second. Not only is this not attractive but frowning adds wrinkles to our face that won't ever be flattering. We're all going to get them but at least laugh lines mean you've smiled alot and had a pretty happy life. Frown lines on the other hand, well, they speak volumes for themselves.

People will look at you & treat you differently if you look approachable and friendly rather than crotchity and miserable. Even if you've had a tough life wearing it on your face is not the answer. Humour is used as a form of therapy that enables you to release stress, fear and anger so, why not?

Try to keep those nice white teeth (or pearly yellows) clean too! Even if they aren't perfect, seeing what you ate for lunch jammed up in your gum line is not a great look for anyone. Carry floss if you must and a mint too, no really, just do it!

Which do you Prefer?

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Welcome to Staying Young After 40

You wouldn't be here if you hadn't noticed subtle changes already, right? You'll be happy to know that knowing your own body, recognizing when things are different and seeking ways to improve them is half the battle. We really only have ourselves to keep our own best interests at heart and who do we spend the most time with, it ain't rocket science!

I'm here to share and discover new ways to stay young after 40. Why?...because I just turned 40! My self confidence is about an 8 out of 10, my body is about the same. I feel great, although a few personal issues have tried to pull me down. Life after 40 has to be fantastic, I didn't come this far for it to suck, nor for me to give up, get fat and grab those sweatpants. It's my life and my chance at staying young after 40! I'd love for you to join me.

Hope you enjoy!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

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