Hands are generally exposed to everyone, at work and at home, yet still get overlooked by their owners, myself included. The 'am I ready' stage of getting ready, really ought to include hand care but mostly the fingernails if you have any left. Everyday as you shake hands, take change, answer phones, open doors, tip up your glass, smoke a cigarette, pick your nose or your friends nose, hold utensils, drive your car and use your keyboard, eyes will at some point be on your hands.
Point being, that if you do care about your appearance enough to cover all of the other stages of 'pretty' why skip over and neglect such an obvious area? An area that when not cared for ages you instantly not to mention could raise questions as to wether or not you are male or female (when based on just the hands!)
Do you choose this option because nail biting represents a childhood habit you are addicted too? Sort of a security blanket for comfort? Because in reality, it's very unhealthy due to it's unsanitary nature not to mention unappealling for those watching the feast and the end results, blah!
Remember, I was a biter too so this is coming from someone who gets it, believe me, I get it. It took me years and many tries to quit. 'My name is Tanya and I'm a nail biter. I haven't bit my nails in 1904 days.' Not since my fiancee (now husband) commented one too many times on how pretty my wedding ring looked wrapped around a breakfast sausage.
Although a seemingly small thing to change it was difficult, but doable! My self confidence increased too because I'm not self conscious about how awful my fingers look gnawed down to the wood. Now, wether I'm wearing an evening gown or shootin' stick and eating chicken wings or something else ? ;)...etc. it's just one more thing to feel good about!
Step One - Use up all of that hand lotion from all of those regifted gift baskets you received at Christmas and moisturize already!
Step Two - ...I double dog dare you to Not put your freakin' hands anywhere near your mouth for 3 months and just let the magic happen.
Step Three - Stop picking your friends nose, it's not polite!