This serve it up straight 'Sarcastic Mom' and her blog entitled 'i am lotus' are definitely worth checking out. Right now she's running a fun contest and you qualify if have a set of either bewbs or mewbs! You know tata's, schmeebs, guns, the girls, bad boys, mosquito bites or man boobs, chest...?
Visit this now declared saucy and sassy Sarcastic Mom for a tasteful peek behind her blouse (and others)!! She has the confidence to show off her 'bewbs' for Bewb Fest 2010 and encourages her readers to as well, do you? go girl/s!!
Tastefully done, why not? It's a fantastic way to encourage women to be proud of themselves plus funds generated by her site are being shared with cancer survivors and activists. With a touch of class and of course loving the 'always leave something to the imagination' concept, this may even be up my alley...maybe?!!
Sarcastic Mommy at Bewb Fest 2010 headquarters is accepting bewb and mewb pic's for this years contest until July 10, 2010. You can also visit the Sarcastic Mommy at i am lotus and pssst, let me know if you enter!
Here are some examples of hot and not mewbs, which do you prefer?