Saturday, December 5, 2009

Welcome to Staying Young After 40

You wouldn't be here if you hadn't noticed subtle changes already, right? You'll be happy to know that knowing your own body, recognizing when things are different and seeking ways to improve them is half the battle. We really only have ourselves to keep our own best interests at heart and who do we spend the most time with, it ain't rocket science!

I'm here to share and discover new ways to stay young after 40. Why?...because I just turned 40! My self confidence is about an 8 out of 10, my body is about the same. I feel great, although a few personal issues have tried to pull me down. Life after 40 has to be fantastic, I didn't come this far for it to suck, nor for me to give up, get fat and grab those sweatpants. It's my life and my chance at staying young after 40! I'd love for you to join me.

Hope you enjoy!

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Thanks for commenting, have an awesome day!

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