Friday, August 20, 2010

Myers Briggs Type Indicator test -, I'm an INFJ now what?

When I'm in the mood for self discovery I find myself flitting about the internet taking aptitude and personality tests. Sometimes you chase links around in circles or do quizzes just to find it costs money or at least information to get the results. But, not today and not here ;)

Earlier this afternoon I spent some time Googling aptitude tests and came across a Myers-Briggs Type Indicator test (a personality test). The best kind of test actually, because there are no right or wrong answers! Simply take the test (it's only 72 questions long, has no time limit, is free and informative ;) and this site will give you the results right away without asking anything of you.

There are 16 different personality types and my type is apparently, an... INFJ which means Introverted Intuitive Feeling Judging.

When I read about INFJer's, I read some more and then dove into reading, the results were me to a T! They've also said that by being an INFJ I'm making up just 1-3% of the world's population making it the rarest of personality types. I'm not sure if that's good or bad at this point but, it does clarify a lot of things I've often wondered about myself, lol. 'They' compare INFJ's to the rare qualities of a Dolphin, hence the pic which is funny because I don't eat much seafood ;)

Take the test here > HumanMetrics - Jung Typology Test  

Once you've taken the test, leave a comment and let me (and everyone else) know what type you are?

p.s. I'm not sure this test is the real test and I won't pay to take or get 'better' results so, it's taken in fun (much like horoscopes ;) yet, it did seem pretty much right on the money! So, now what? Well, I'll keep you posted on that one ( be continued).

Had to include this... Save the Dolphins in Japan This site is a petition site set up with a letter addressed to I guess whomever they can get to listen. It has over 200,000 signatures on it but could always use one more... hint, hint, wink wink

Lipstick shape & Personality...another fun girly quiz!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Does geography play a result in your overall weight and lifestyle?

After visiting the western side of Canada (currently reside in Ontario) I've noticed that the women of the Okanagan Valley seem much healthier than those from the Central Ontario area. Both places are somewhat similar (although one is dry, more moderate in climate and mountainous) they're both known for summer and winter recreation and are considered desirable locations in either province.

Back to what I've noticed...

- women in both areas seem to smoke a lot and yes, more than men.
- in BC, women of all ages seemed more physically fit and in shape, regardless of their age!
- within the Okanagan they offer 1/2 orders in most restaurants (and no, not for half the price ;)

Is climate a factor? Exercise doesn't have to stop because the temperature below -20! ...their is an heir about the valley, more so the Kelowna and surrounding area, almost like a 'look at me, I'm hot' competition. A keep up with Jones feel that goes beyond materialistic goods and has incorporated physical appearance.. Or, is it they are more educated about healthy living and have the desire for a long, happy and healthy life? Wouldn't anyone want that regardless of their location? Perhaps there's something in the water, out in the east that is ;) I've often wondered that myself...

Maybe society does play some factor but does geography also result in your overall weight and the choices one makes?

Oh, and yes I am currently a smoker...bad, yes I know but, I am quiting. Date? Not sure but it could be much sooner than later, as I'd thought. I'll keep you posted on that one! Best part of all is that I know I can quit because I've done it before and although it's one of the hardest things I've done, I lived to tell the story and so did those around me ;) so I can certainly do it again!

Canada is #11 on a list of Obesity statistics shown by website Nation Master Obesity by Country online chart and the US is #1 with South Korea being on the very bottom out of 28 countries!  
Note to self: look into diet, lifestyle and geography of South they eat rice, I sooo don't like rice!  ...just googled it and found they eat a lot of seafood, yummy but also what we consider man's best friend so, I'll just stick my routine 5' 7" at 115lbs at 40 years of age 'cause it's working for me. And yes, when I quit the smoking my size may change but I'm okay with that. I'm aware of just what I did wrong last time when I quit. No food rewards! Get it, NO food rewards!!!

We, as a society, would never accept what's pictured above and would more than likely freak out. Yet, once this adorable baby becomes a youngster, youth, teen, young adult and then adult, society as a whole backs off and some cases even encourage the behavior. What's with that?!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Packing your Luggage for Vacation... Part 2 (Update)

A couple of months back I wrote a post regarding the Do's and Don'ts of Packing Luggage when going on your vacation. Well, it's one thing to write about it but, to actually apply what I learnt when it's my turn are apparently two totally different things.

...Pearson Airport sidewalk and my luggage!

One thing I will say is that I believe the season you are travelling in, your destination and the size of your luggage all play factors! For example; I've got two pieces that I travel with...the largest and the carry on size which isn't unreasonable, right? But, wow can you ever pack the crap into them! Especially, when you are going to a hot, summer destination and your clothes are thin and light thus taking hardly any room.

My large piece weighed in at 52kg when I brought it home and really didn't do much shopping while away. Funny thing is though, I hardly wore anything out of that suitcase! I seemed to always go for my 'go to' outfits, depending upon the time of day, and then altered in and  out my favourite sandals as necessary. All in all, I wore 3 sun dresses, my bathing suit, a pair of camo pants, a few white and black t-shirts, one pair of jeans, pj's and undergarments. If I didn't have a make-up bag, hair dryer and a shoe fetish, I could have crammed it all into my carry on!!, will I keep this in mind on my next getaway? Probably but, would I dare pack so lightly in the future?...I doubt it ;) 

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

What wrinkles? ...the nose on my face as I see young adults smoking Salvia Divinorum!?!

For those of you who haven't heard of the 'drug' Salvia Divinorum, here's a heads up for you. Why? Because it's considered totally legal and is abundantly available and accessible to our teens and young adults even though it hails from Mexico! It's effects are like that of LCD and PCP and if kids can find it, know how to process it or simply know someone who knows someone...they're in for a high they may not have wanted!!

While on the tail end of my vacation in Ontario, my friend and I encountered a group of youngsters (around 17 - 25) coming to party on the beach. They were drinking, smoking and toking the usual garb (Marjiuana). That was until a young lady brought out some Salvia Divinorum (to smoke, which has pyschoactive effects) also known as Diviner's Sage, Seer's Sage & Magic Mint. Salvia (non-psychoactive) version is often confused with Salvia Divinorum.

Users say that smoking Salvia is quicker and more intense than chewing it but the dreamlike effects are not long lasting. You may peak in 5 minutes then it's over or it could last up to an hour.

Back to that beach party...

So, this young lady brought out this processed Salvia and it was already prepared and ready to be smoked. ...and yes, I watched and listened from the corner of my third eye ;)

She then proceeded to tell this much younger guy/kid what to expect and what to do on his first try. She wanted him to sit down and inhale, holding it in as long as possible and for him to stay seated so he doesn't get hurt. That caught my attention and I immediately found myself within the little party trying to talk the kid out of trying it. Nosy yes and perhaps a little dangerous to stick my nose in but to say nothing just isn't in my nature and geez the kid just looked so young! He just smiled at, told me not to worry about it with an 'I'll be fine' as he brought it up to his mouth and inhaled the Salvia!

Back over in the sidelines we watched him stand (he refused to sit) and he held it in until his mouth burst open, exhaling a huge puff of smoke with a gigantic smile on his face. He then began to laugh out loud so hard that he teared up and could not stand up (someone got a lawn chair under him). Through tears of laughter? he mumbled that he couldn't see then continued to laugh hysterically as strings of drool puddled at his feet!! His 'friends' were all laughing at him and seemed to think it was the funniest thing they'd ever seen...I just wanted to cry for him.

I continued to watch and after about 5 minutes the kid managed to speak in a manner that was legible. He proceeded to say that he had no idea what had happened or what went on so, I made my way back over and asked him if he was okay. That's when he said to me 'I'm okay but it wasn't funny, in fact I was scared because I thought people were trying to hurt me?!' So, that was nervous laughter? This boy was absolutely vulnerable under Salvia and yet every other youngster was eager to try it, even after watching him and that gong show he'd just put on?!?? What's with today's kids, it sounds absolutley terrifying to me...why would you want to chase a high that has you non-functional, weak and scared?!

That group of kids beetled off out of the area very soon after he returned to 'normal'. No, I didn't call the cops because I had no phone...hmmm, best watch where we take strolls although oddly enough they weren't concerned with an audience being present, why not? why no fear?
A news article by CityTV Toronto posted back in 2007
Salvia - Legal High But Still Cause For Concern

An excellent resource for everything Salvia and a must read for concerned parents! ...and here's a YouTube video entitled 'Salvia divinorum: the YouTube Experience' just to give you some more insight and to it's growing popularity and what our kids may be up to!!

Product Review - Veet Hair Removal Gel Cream

My last post was entitled Male Body Hair - Love it or Lose it! and was aimed at the world's cuddly teddy bear type of man who doans a hair sweater. But, that doesn't mean I could ignore the fact that many ladies also retain body hair in highly visual places...that could vanish instantly and not hurt my feelings!

Photo taken via Rex Features 

I'm guilty myself of lettting cold weather determine my shaving routine (no, the photo below is not of me) but could be ;) ...thankfully summer gets my beauty calendar back in check! Not for all women though as many could care less about shaving and choose to be au natural goddessess, regardless of what others may think.

Product Review - Veet Hair Removal Gel Cream

I've been using Veet Hair Removal Gel Cream for a couple of years now and love. love, love the end results! First of all, yes, it does stink but not nearly as bad as those hair removal creams of yesteryear. You do need to watch your timing, do not leave on any longer than 3-6 minutes. As well, do not apply after you've shaved, wait at least three days between hair removal attempts.
Pssst, don't tell anyone but, I've even used the hair removal cream where you aren't supposed to (like where little miss coochie hair pie above, does not!) I know that's bad so, I'm not recommending you do that but, it does work and I've never had an issue (that's how gentle it is I guess). Why would I risk it? Well, I just simply didn't read the instructions the first time I tried it ...sort of like 'playing dumb' on purpose with a rather large test patch?! Luckily, it was a success, stupid girl ;)
Safety wise; I do not just apply the cream there is a process that take care and attention before it even touches me...cover areas with vaseline that you don't want the hair removal cream to touch then cover that with a layer of papertowel and get busy, tick tock on the clock once you begin, don't press it! 

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