Wednesday, January 20, 2010

'Girl, Where did you get that Outfit!?'

...the snotty Biatch says to you as she rolls her eyes towards her little friend and they both break into a giggle and walk away!

Feeling as though you aren't quite looking up to par in the fashion department? You could be right. Go take a look in the mirror (right now silly)...then imagine that I've just came to your home for an unexpected visit. Let's assume it's not bedtime, it's not laundry day and you are in the stage of readiness where you can venture out in public. What am I going to see? and Should I be scared?

There is a popular saying, 'the clothes make the man' meaning,... you are a good man if you dress nice? If so, I beg to differ but where is the saying for the ladies? And if women had a saying, would it help those who have sadly assumed they have style just because they were born female?  

 I'm not a fashion guru brand snob who wears the newest trends and always looks perfectly dressed for any occassion. But, I am a woman who is guilty of wondering if other people's homes still come equiped with mirrors or if they are not allowed to be sold to the general public? Yes folks, we (I) do judge and get judged based on appearance, that's the reality. Personally, I prefer to try and present myself in clean, appropriate, low-mid priced fashions that I can afford and feel comfortable in. I'm not above shopping at second hand or consignment stores either ('cept the naughty bits, no second hand anything to do with that business, for me).

If you are trying to achieve and/or maintain your young age of 40+ then wearing out of style, inappropriate, improperly fitted, loud, tacky, way to relaxed or offendingly tight clothing would be the last thing you'd want to do!

Seriously ladies,

what were you thinking when you...

- paired up that cardigan with those thick corduroys?
- bought that cardigan, was it originally for your Granny?
- put on cords, do they even make those anymore?
- decided to shop at department stores that sell items with only elastic waist bands?
- paired those sweatpants with that patterned blouse? (sweatpants, toss! Lululemons, get!)
- switched to knee high stockings?
- wore socks with your sandals, do we really have to keep repeating this one?
- put your glasses on a string around your neck?
- forgot to put on your bra? unless you're 18 or they're fake, buy and wear a bra already!!
- keep wearing white shirts with yellow underarm stains (yes, we can see em')
- thought you could pull off low rise jeans? everything now hangs out above the rise, ickk
- crammed yourself into those leggings and still bought them? (crammed= shoved, pushed, jammed)
- bought those skinny jeans, wasn't torturing yourself in the 80's enough?
- wore those sleep pants out grocery shopping yesterday, the day you sleep there?
- bought those butch *irkenstocks anyways, ewwww....

Remember ladies, that just because the stores sell everything to everyone doesn't mean that everything looks good on everyone nor should everything be worn everywhere! Now, go buy a mirror already or get some better lighting, perhaps both.

p.s. I've also known alot of well dressed assholes. So men, please don't assume that rockin' some fancy new threads actually makes you a man.

p.s.s. ...oh, and about those two, I'll assume, well dressed Biatches. They may look hot but their attitude sucks so, dressing nice won't make you a better person it just has you looking like you might be.

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