Thursday, January 14, 2010

Primp Youself & Tweek up Your Sex Appeal

How you present yourself on the surface is how the rest of the world will see you...duh!
 So,do you prefer to look haggard & unkept or hot & sexy?

Being judged based on the cover isn't a new concept and it still sucks! Nevertheless, it rings true, so why not give them an eyefull of eyecandy not an eyesore! It all starts at home people, in the bathroom...otherwise known as the washroom. Notice how both terms incorporate the words 'bath' and 'wash' which means to get your greasy butt in the tub and primp yourself to sexy.

Tips to Achieve your Ultimate Beauty

- shower or bathe daily; clean all nooks, crannies and caves thoroughly
- apply moisturizer to body and face as necessary
- blowout the bat cave (but not by covering one nostril and blowing, eww)
- trim, pluck, snip, pull, tug or yank out those stray hairs and tame that unibrow
- open your mouth, what do you see? inside ought to be pink and white not your rendition of leftovers
- wash your locks, scalp, whatever you got up there! don't just wet it, wash it
- penises, vaginas & sphincters...clean all over it, under it, around it, on it & beside it
- keep pubic hairs trimmed, this ain't the 70's
- armpits, deodorant was invented in the 1800's, use it!
- ladies, shave those armpits. tank tops accented by a pair of furry armpits is not attractive
- fingernails; buff off those stains, get the gunk out then paint em' pretty (ladies?)
- toenails; clip those potentially fungus filled claws (boys and some ladies!)

Skin rashes are an unpleasant aftermath of grooming and unfortunately, for everyone, they look like zits! Use a sharp, new, clean razor and soak in warm water first. Use an aftershave, antiseptic type cream immediately after to soothe. Pluck out those nipple hairs ladies, unless you like them but go easy on your eyebrows. Pencilling them in is an option but we all know how that looks. Trim those toenails in small stages too, rather than chunks or you may be howling later. Belly buttons are cute but they collect lint and I'm sure that isn't a collection you want to start unless you want to sell it on Ebay.

Now your nakedness is hot and sexy but what about that outfit?...

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