Friday, February 19, 2010

Hot Flashes at 40?

I'm not sure if I know what a hot flash is but if it feels anything like a hot rush of heat lingering across your entire body as though you've been lying naked on a black tin roof...then I may have had one and they suck!! For fear of passing out I actually had to sit on the floor until went away about a minute or two later.

According to my detective skills it's very possible that I'm entering Perimenopause! Well, isn't that just freakin' fantastic because I thought I only had Menopause to look forward to! Guess what ladies? Because we're so special we may even get to dabble in some long term Postmenopause as well, wtf!!
In other words, it's going to get worse before it gets better and it may never, ever really get better.

If Menopause means being bitchy, gaining weight, loosing sleep and feeling dried up all while sweating like a pig, then I  want out! If this is what men's spouses, girlfriends, friends and sisters turn into then it's no wonder men pass away earlier! Apparently one can look forward to Perimenopause beginning when you're as young as 35 and it continues until?...everyone's different so it's anyone's guess.

To prevent hot flashes and reduce their severity professionals suggest avoiding triggers such as stress, caffeine, alcohol, spicy foods, smoking, tight clothes and warm temperatures. That's where it gets tricky. Stress is sometimes unavoidable, I love Pepsi along with social drinking and spicy foods all while chillin' on a sunny patio wearing figure flattering, fitted clothing (plus I still smoke shhh, don't tell anyone)...hmmm what to do, what to do...? Remove most things that give me pleasure in hopes of alleviating symptoms that may or may not get worse?

Other symptoms include but aren't limited to...

- night sweats, cold then clammy sweats, irregular heart beat, irritability, sudden mood swings, irregular periods, no sex drive, fatigue, anxiety, feelings of dread, lack of focus, disorientation, mental confusion, memory lapses, incontinence, skin crawlies, aching, tender breasts, headaches, indigestion, flatulence, nausea, bloating, depression, hair loss yet increased facial hair (huh?), body odor, soft gums and weak fingernails.

For the moment I'm going to assume the odd hot flash has nothing to do with any of the above information at least until my doctor tells me otherwise.

Project Aware is an informative site directed toward ladies in all three of these 'pleasant' stages or visit Wiki for their explanation.

Note to self: stock up on ice, buy a fan and...oh shit, what was that other thing?!

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