Thursday, May 13, 2010

Lipstick Shape & your Personality - Quiz - What does your lipstick say about you?

After years of hanging out with girly girls I've noticed that when it comes to applying makeup each one of us has our own style. Not only with our choices in colour, sheen, texture and brand but also the application process. But, did you know that the shape of our lipstick (after numerous applications) may actually reveal something about our personality?

Some women apply their lipstick on an angle, straight on or all over the map with a twist ;) ...what does your lipstick say about you?

I was curious because a friend of mine applies her lipstick like I do or so I thought until I noticed a wild curve in her lipstick that stood out like a sore thumb... compared to my rounded off almost flat lipstick! Her and I were both different in many ways and yet similar so I was wondering if there was something behind it.

That's when I found this visual quiz showing pics of lipstick and each one has a concept of what the personality type may be. Check and see what your lipstick shape says about you then me know with a comment, I'm curious if it's at all true with more than just a few chics!

According to them (whomever they are ;) my 'Flat Top' style means I'm...

- To the point

- Have high morals
- Am very dependable
- Am quick minded
- Love challenges
- Are careful about appearances

Honestly, I'd have to say that every one of those is true. My girlfriend's lipstick had such a deep curve like half a letter U that resembles the 'Sharp Angled Box Curved Tip' (only way more curved) so she's...creative, enthusiastic, energetic, talkative, loves attention, falls in love easily and is helpful which again ring true.

I guess if you only wear lip gloss then you're outta luck with this particular quiz ;)

MBTI, the Myers Briggs Type Indicator your personality type with this perhaps a little more scientific approach and is far more intricate., I'm an what? 

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